Friday, November 19, 2010

Oral Report: Intro to Photojournalism/National Geographic

1. Why is photography important to you?

You can remember things that happened a long time ago  like you can have pictures of you when you were little  to remember you as a kid.  You can take pictures of different places like if you went to a different country.

2. What is Photojournalism?
Telling a story with pictures.

3. Why is National Geographic Important?
So other people can see other parts of the world like in books.  People go to different places to take pictures.  People could see other places when they didn't have cameras, or the Internet or TV.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Science Test, Q1 Patience

Explain the Scientific Process

First you have a question, then you have a hypothesis.  Then you have an experiment.  If it's right for lots of them it becomes a theory, and if it's right for a long, long, long time it becomes a law. 

What are three things that make a good scientist?

They have to be a good observer, and they have to be curious.  They have to find out how to communicate with people.  They have to find solutions during the experiment.


It has to be as close to perfect as it can be.

Looking at something very tiny using something like a magnifying glass.

Helps you magnify things that are very small.

A hot little beam of light.

Geography Q1 Test, Patience Koch

How many continents are there?
How many oceans are there?

What is a globe?
A globe is a model of the earth- shaped like a circle.
What is a map?
A map shows you where to go on the earth.  It's flat.

What is a Compass Rose?
A compass rose shows you East, North, West, and South.

What is an entrance?
It's like a door to go into a house.
Explain Location.
Where you are.

What is a Map Key?
It's full of pictures, called symbols that show you what there is in a place.

What is a symbol in the Map Key?
see above.

How do you use a Map Grid?
It tells you where places are- It's like a map and it shows you like an address using numbers and letters.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oral Report: Claude Monet

He was an impressionist painter.

When you look at his paintings from close up, you can't tell what it is, but from farther away you can see what it really is.

He was from France.

He painted water lilies and painted in nature. He painted quickly because he didn't want how it looked [the light] to get out of his head.

He wanted to be an artist but his parents wanted him to help with their grocery store. He didn't want to help, and he met a painter who taught him how to use oil paints.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Two Hours Later

I cried.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oral Report: Frederick Douglass

1. He died when he was 77.

2. He spoke up for slaves.

3. He learned to read and write by himself.

4. He got sent back and forth to different families as a slave, but then he finally escaped and was put in jail, but then he escaped again, and it wasn't easy, but eventually he got to the North to stay.

5. He wrote about people that were fighting against slavery.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Oral Report: Abraham Lincoln

1. He stopped slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation.

2. He was the president during the Civil War.

3. He loved to read books. He walked miles and miles to get some more books.

4. He was really tall.

5. Someone shot him while he was watching a play.